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A hernia occurs when an internal organ or other body part protrudes through the wall of muscle or tissue that normally contains it.

Laproscopic Cholecystectomy at Lotus hospital, Faridabad is performed by inserting a tiny video camera and special surgical tools through four small incisions to see inside your abdomen and remove the gallbladder.

In some cases, one large incision may be used to remove the gallbladder. This is called an open cholecystectomy.

What are the different types of hernia?

Inguinal hernia - The most common type of hernia; it’s more common in men than women.

Incisional hernia - Can occur from previous incision (after you’ve had an abdominal surgery).

Femoral hernia - Can occur in outer groin region.

Umbilical hernia - Can occur in children and babies under 6 months old at abdominal wall near the bellybutton/navel.

Hiatal hernia - Can occur when the upper stomach squeezes through the hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm.

What causes hernias?

Ultimately, all hernias are caused by a combination of pressure and an opening or weakness of muscle or fascia; the pressure pushes an organ or tissue through the opening or weak spot. Sometimes, the muscle weakness is present at birth; more often, it occurs later in life. Anything that causes an increase in pressure with muscle weakness in the abdomen can cause a hernia, including:

  • Lifting heavy objects without stabilising the abdominal muscles

  • Diarrhoea or constipation

  • Persistent coughing or sneezing

In addition, obesity, poor nutrition, and smoking, can all weaken muscles and make hernias more likely.

How common are hernias?

People from the 40-70 year age group are most prone to develop hernia. Male to female ratio is normally 7:1.

How is hernia detected?

A physical exam is usually all that’s needed to diagnose a hernia. Our doctors at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad will check for a bulge in the area. Because standing and coughing can make a hernia more prominent, you’ll likely be asked to stand and cough or strain.

What are the symptoms of hernia?

There are three kinds of symptoms of hernia; each of these are explained below:

Reducible hernia

  • It may appear as a new lump in the groin or other abdominal area.

  • It may ache but is not tender when touched.

  • The lump increases in size when standing or when abdominal pressure is increased (such as coughing).

  • It may be reduced (pushed back into the abdomen) unless very large.

Irreducible hernia

  • It may be an occasionally painful enlargement of a previously reducible hernia that cannot be returned into the abdominal cavity on its own or when you push it.

  • An irreducible hernia is also known as an incarcerated hernia.

  • It can lead to strangulation (blood supply being cut off to tissue in the hernia).

  • Signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction may occur, such as nausea and vomiting.

Strangulated hernia

  • This is an irreducible hernia in which the entrapped intestine has its blood supply cut off.

  • Pain is always present, followed quickly by tenderness and sometimes symptoms of bowel obstruction (nausea and vomiting).

  • The affected person may appear ill with or without fever.

  • This condition is a surgical emergency.

Hernia Surgery Procedure performed at Lotus Hospital Faridabad

The two main types of hernia surgery offered at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad are open repair and laparoscopic (minimally invasive) repair.

Open Hernia Repair at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad

The surgeon makes an incision in the groin, moves the hernia back into the abdomen, and reinforces the muscle wall with stitches or synthetic mesh.

Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair at Lotus Hospital Faridabad

A laparoscopic (minimally invasive) hernia surgery uses a small incision into which the laparoscope is inserted. The instruments to repair the hernia are inserted through other small incisions in the lower abdomen. This procedure (Laparoscopic surgery) is usually performed under general anesthesia, so before the surgery, patient will have an evaluation of his/her general state of health. There is no or less pain during this surgery.

Benefits of laparoscopic hernia surgery include three to four tiny scars rather than one larger incision, less pain after surgery, a quicker return to work, a shorter recovery time (days instead of weeks) and lesser incidents of infection.

How to prepare for Hernia Surgery at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad?

As with most surgeries, preparation for Hernia Surgery will involve restrictions in terms of diet. To ensure a safe treatment, one will be asked to refrain from drinking water, food, or any other fluids for six hours prior to the treatment, as food present within the digestive system might lead to certain complications during the treatment.

While some drugs might be prescribed to be taken beforehand to aid the treatment, a certain number of drugs like aspirin, blood thinners, anti-inflammatory medications (arthritis medications), and Vitamin E should be avoided for up to a week before the treatment because of the various effects they can have on the body.

Preoperative preparations include medical evaluations such as blood tests, chest x-rays, and electrocardiography tests, depending on the person’s age and medical condition.

Why choose Lotus Hospital for Hernia Surgery ?

Best Hernia Surgery Hospital in Faridabad

Frequently Asked Questions

You can return to work or school within 2 weeks at maximum. If you’ve had open surgery, the recovery may take longer, due to which the doctor may ask you to wait for at least 2 weeks before rejoining work or school. In the case of laparoscopic repair, the recovery will be faster. Thus, you can rejoin work/school after the 1st week.

Immediately after Hernia Surgery, the patient will stay in the observation room. After the patient is awake, he/she will be transferred to the recovery room for rest. There will be soreness and pain in the surgical site, which will take some time to go away.
In most cases, the patient is discharged on the same day. Before discharge, the doctor may ask the patient to walk or stand up straight with the help of support. Our doctors at Lous Hospital will also give a recovery guide, including a diet chart, to help the patient recover faster

The term "mesh" is used to describe a flat sheet of prosthetic material that is used to cover a hernia.

Previously hernia repair was performed by simply suturing the hernia defect. For some types of hernias, this repair resulted in 25-50% of hernias later returning. Introduction of mesh changed this scenario. By using mesh, the chance of hernia recurrence dropped to the low single-digits.

After hernia surgery, you should eat a healthy and nutritious diet comprising of-
  • Liquids, such as soy milk, almond milk, nutritional drinks, etc.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

Hernia surgery can be performed under general, spinal, or local anesthesia. The anesthetist will ask you some questions to determine if you are allergic to some components of general anesthesia. If so, then either spinal or local anesthesia will be used.