Hip Replacement

What is Hip Replacement?

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure in which the orthopedic surgeon replaces the damaged hip joint with artificial implants to restore joint mobility and function. It is usually performed for patients with severe hip joint arthritis or necrosis, who’ve become bedridden due to pain and joint instability. During the surgery, only the affected parts of the joint are removed, whether it is a small portion or the entire joint.

What happens during hip replacement surgery?

You will be given general or spinal anesthesia so that you will not have any pain during the surgery and a doctor or nurse will carefully monitor your vitals, like your blood pressure and heart rate throughout the surgery. Once the anesthesia has been administered, the surgeon will make an incision over the side of the hip to insert the arthroscope and remove the damaged hip joint and replace it with a hip implant. Before closing the incision, the surgeon will check if the implant has been positioned properly.

How to prepare for hip replacement?

The orthopedic surgeon will provide guidelines to prepare for hip replacement surgery. S/he may also suggest you prepare your home before so that once you return after hip replacement surgery, the things are easily accessible and you have reduced discomfort during the recovery period. It’s always a better option to arrange for someone to stay with you during recovery to make the process easier and smooth.

Your hip surgeon will explain the procedure, risks, and benefits of hip replacement surgery to you, and all your doubts about the same will be addressed so that you can make a fully informed decision. After you have decided to undergo the surgery, your surgeon will analyze your entire medical history and carry out a few diagnostic tests and scans to ensure that you are in good health and are eligible to undergo the surgery.

You will be recommended not to eat anything for 8-12 hours prior to the surgery and will be given anesthesia before the surgery, which will put you to sleep during the surgery. Apart from this, the orthopedic surgeon may request some other specific precautions based on your case.

What should I do after hip replacement surgery?

Hip replacement recovery takes about 2-4 weeks normally, but this is dependent on a lot of factors such as the patient’s age, health, pre-existing medical conditions, nutrition, lifestyle, etc. Recovery may take longer in patients who are diabetic or habitual smokers, etc. Patients can walk the same day after minimally invasive hip replacement. However, the recovery is gradual and most patients need to wait at least 6 weeks after surgery to resume their day-to-day activities without any support. For sports and high impact activities such as running, jumping, they should wait at least 3 to 6 months.

Why is hip replacement surgery required?

Hip replacement surgery is performed in patients with the following conditions:

  • Hip Osteoarthritis : Osteoarthritis, also known as the degenerative joint disease (DJD), is the most common form of arthritis. It is the degeneration of the joint due to wear of the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones over time due to age, injury, etc.

  • Rheumatoid arthritis : Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that leads to the inflammation and erosion of the hip joint.

  • Osteonecrosis : It is the avascular necrosis of the hip joint, i.e, death of hip joint bone cells due to a lack of blood and oxygen supply.

  • A severe injury of the hip joint such as a complex hip fracture

  • Tumor in the hip joint

Recovery Tips for Hip Replacement Surgery

The following are a few tips that will help you recover smoothly post hip replacement surgery-

  • Do not skip the physiotherapy sessions recommended by the surgeon.

  • Regular walking for 10-15 minutes as suggested by the physiotherapist.

  • Keep the surgical area clean and dry to reduce the risk of any kind of infection.

  • Avoid strenuous activities that can result in complications after hip replacement surgery.

  • Do not bend your hip suddenly or over 90 degrees as it can put excessive pressure at the surgical site.

  • Take the medication along with supplements on time as recommended by the surgeon.

  • Use cane or walker support for walking at least 2 weeks after hip replacement surgery to avoid dislocating and damage of the new hip.

  • Do not remove the bandage or change the dressing around the surgical site on your own.

  • Eat healthy food that is enriched with proteins, vitamins, and nutrients to promote healthy recovery.

  • If you experience any odd signs or suffer striking pain at the surgical site, consult the doctor immediately.

  • Always take support when you need to stand up.

  • Do not sit for long hours as it can put pressure on the newly replaced hip joint.

Timeline after Hip Replacement

Recovery after hip replacement surgery can take a little longer. However, the recovery timeline may differ from one patient to another depending on the type of hip replacement surgery they have undergone. Generally, the recovery timeline after hip replacement surgery may look like the following-

  • 1-3 days Post Hip replacement Surgery

-You will need assistance to get out of bed and use a walker for moving slowly from one place to another.

-The doctor prescribes medication for the first week that includes pain killers and muscle relaxants.

  • 3-6 days Post hip Replacement Surgery

-Starts walking easily with the help of a walker or crutches.

You will get discharged from the hospital if you dont show any abnormal indiction after hip replacement surgery.

-Follow all the after guidelines by your orthopedic doctor to eliminate any chances of complications after surgery.

  • 6-12 days post hip Replacement Surgery

-Attend all the physiotherapy sessions to restore the mobility of the replacement hip joint.

-The medication that is prescribed by the orthopedic surgeon will reduce by this time.

-Move slowly but as much as possible to maintain blood circulation in order to prevent blood clots from occurring in the legs.

  • 3-6 weeks Post Hip Replacement Surgery

-You will be able to resume regular activities without any problems. However, it is advised to avoid strenuous activities and pick heavy objects.

-You may drive easily without any assistance. But it is always a better option to consult your surgeon before resuming driving.

-You will be able to resume normal activities with restored mobility.

Types of Hip Replacement Surgeries

Total Hip Replacement

Most common form of hip replacement and is done to replace the entire hip joint with artificial implants in patients with severe joint degeneration.

Partial Hip Replacement

Also known as a hemiarthroplasty, replaces only one side of the hip joint. This procedure is usually done in patients who have fractured their hip or hve degeneration on only one side of the joint.

Hip Resurfacing

Procedure in which only the part of the socket and the femoral head are replaced. This procedure is preferred for younger, more active patients with minor hip degeneration.