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Mastoidectomy surgery is a minimally invasive surgery in which the ENT surgeon removes the diseased cells from air-filled spaces in the mastoid bone. It is the most effective treatment for severe chronic mastoiditis or in the case of a cholesteatoma. It is especially necessary to prevent the spread of mastoid infection to the skull (and brain).

What happens during a mastoidectomy?


A mastoidectomy can be performed for either a cholesteatoma or a severe mastoid infection. Its symptoms can often be confused with other ear infections and problems, thus, your ENT doctor needs to perform a thorough diagnosis before drafting a treatment plan.

To confirm the diagnosis, you may need several diagnostic tests like blood tests, along with imaging scans like MRI, CT scan, and X-rays of your head and ear area. The scan will help determine the severity of mastoid degeneration. In case there is a chance that the infection has spread to the skull, you may also need a lumbar puncture or spinal tap.

Treatment at Lotus Hospital Faridabad

A simple mastoidectomy involves only the removal of the diseased part of the bone and leaves the ear canal intact. However, if you need extensive surgery, then your surgeon may need to combine your ear canal and mastoid bone by widening the ear canal to preserve hearing function. This type of surgery is known as a radical or modified mastoidectomy.

The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia, and you would be able to go home on the same day as the surgery. The surgical incision is created behind the ear to minimize the scar appearance, and once the infected areas of bone are removed, the incision is closed with sutures and dressed appropriately. The complete procedure takes about 2-3 hours to complete.

How to prepare for mastoidectomy surgery?

You should follow the given instructions to prepare for your mastoid ear surgery:

  • Take your medicines as prescribed. Do not over or under-medicate on your own before the surgery.

  • Stop tobacco consumption about 2-3 weeks before the surgery as nicotine and tobacco can delay healing and result in scarring.

  • Make sure you are following the dietary restrictions required for your surgery.

  • If you have a fever or discomfort the day before the surgery, then make sure your surgeon is aware of it in advance and has prepared accordingly.

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing for the surgery as it is more comfortable. Make sure you are not wearing any jewelry or makeup during the surgery.

What to expect after a mastoidectomy?

You will be discharged from the hospital within 24 hours of the surgery and can start your daily activities within the next few days. Full recovery after a mastoidectomy takes about 6-12 weeks, depending on how extensive the surgery was.

When is a mastoidectomy required?

A mastoidectomy is usually considered necessary if the patient has a severe ear infection that is not improving even after maximum medical management. In such cases, there is a high chance that the infection can spread to the skull and cause severe complications like facial paralysis, complete hearing loss, meningitis, sepsis, etc.

A mastoidectomy may also be required if the patient has a cholesteatoma, a noncancerous growth behind the eardrum. A cholesteatoma usually results from recurrent middle ear infections and develops as cysts. It can grow in size and destroy the middle ear bones if not treated in time. Another common reason why someone may require a mastoidectomy is if they are getting a cochlear implant.

How can a mastoidectomy benefit you?

The primary goal of a mastoidectomy is to relieve chronic middle ear infections, provide drainage to the pus-filled air spaces in the mastoid bone, and prevent the infection from spreading and causing irreversible damage to the skull and other body parts.

Untreated, a mastoid infection (or cholesteatoma) can result in serious complications like permanent hearing loss, vertigo, dizziness, facial nerve damage, labyrinthitis, meningitis, brain abscess, facial paralysis, epidural abscess, sepsis, etc.

Recovery and results after mastoidectomy surgery

Barring any complications, you will be discharged on the same day with dressing around the ear canal to keep it safe from water and other foreign substances. You may have a little swelling around the eye on the operated site. Vertigo, nausea, and vomiting are common on the first day due to after-effects of anesthesia on the patient.

You may experience altered taste sensation, tinnitus, ear numbness, jaw stiffness, and soreness for a few days after the surgery. If you have undergone radical mastoidectomy, you may even experience balance issues for at least a week after the surgery.

If you want to improve your recovery after mastoidectomy, you should follow the given tips:

  • Keep water out of the ear canal while bathing or showering. Wait at least 4-5 days before washing your hair.

  • A little blood and pus drainage is common after the surgery. You can clean the outer ear canal using Q-tips and hydrogen peroxide solution but do not insert it into the ear canal.

  • Avoid irritating the incision for at least 7-10 days to allow adequate healing.

  • If you want to sneeze, do so with your mouth open. Do not hold the sneeze in as it may build up air pressure in the ear canal.

  • Wait at least 2 weeks before blowing your nose as that may shift the healing inner and middle ear structures from their proper positions.

  • Take your medicines as prescribed, do not skip a dose.

  • Try to sleep on your back, or if you want to sleep on the side, then sleep while putting pressure on the unoperated side.

  • Do not perform any strenuous activities or play contact sports for at least a few weeks or before approval from your ENT surgeon.

  • Do not swim without approval from your doctor.

  • If you notice any signs of complications, then contact your doctor immediately for further treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Doctors at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad may recommend a cholecystectomy if you have:

Generally, the cost of mastoidectomy surgery ranges from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 40,000.

Yes septoplasty at Lotus Hospital Faridabad is covered under insurance at Lotus Hospital Faridabad.

The patient usually requires only 1-day hospitalization if the surgeon does not suspect any complications after the surgery and is advised to follow certain precautions.

Home remedies can provide symptomatic relief in mastoiditis or ear infections. You can use warm compressions for the ear. Make sure that no water goes inside your ear as it will increase the infection