Ovarian CYST

Why is it important to treat ovarian cysts?

Mostly, asymptomatic and small-size cysts do not cause any threat as they dissolve on their own. But in some severe cases, an ovarian cyst continues to fill up with fluid and becomes enlarged and sometimes can twist on the pedicle and become too big, such an enlarged cyst can interrupt the ovarian blood supply, and this can lead to severe symptoms like- acute pelvic pain, sudden weight loss and pain during sex. If you experience any of these symptoms, then do consult your gynaecologist and seek emergency help.

Diagnosis and treatment for ovarian cyst

Diagnosis of ovarian cyst -

Doctors first physically examine the pelvis area to check for any swelling and redness caused by the cyst. If the doctor suspects a case of ovarian cyst, then he might recommend a few diagnostic tests to confirm it-

  • Blood test - Doctors recommend blood tests to check any abnormalities linked to hormones. It is also performed to track protein markers associated with ovarian cancer.

  • CA 125 blood test - - It is suggested to track the CA (cancer antigen) level, which is found high in the blood of women with ovarian cancer.

  • Pelvic ultrasound - This test s performed to get the image and location of the ovarian cyst by using the transducer that sends and receives high sound waves to create an image.

Treatment of ovarian cyst -

Treatment procedure usually depends on the no of cysts, size of the cyst and the age of the woman. Moreover, it is broadly categorized into medical and surgical treatment -

Medication - Doctors usually prescribe Birth control pills to stop ovulation and prevent the development of a new cyst. However, it also reduces the risk of ovarian risk. In some cases, doctors also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to manage ovarian cyst pain.

Ovarian cystectomy (ovarian cyst removal) - It is a surgical procedure to remove cysts from ovaries. It is recommended only in severe cases when cysts are suspected to be cancerous. It is a minimally invasive surgery that involves a few small incisions in your lower abdomen to remove an ovarian cyst.

When is hysterectomy required?

Hysterectomy could be a feasible treatment for any female who suffers from any of the following health conditions :

  • Severe menstrual pain that cannot be controlled by medicines or any other treatment methods.

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding that is not controlled by other treatment methods.

  • Uterine fibroids (non-cancerous uterine tumors)

  • Unusual increased pelvic pain associated with the uterus

  • Uterine prolapse that causes urinary incontinence or difficulty passing a bowel movement.

  • Cervical or uterine cancer

When should I seek help from a doctor?

Enlarged and recurrent cysts require timely treatment, or they can rupture or increase the risk of infection. Seek emergency help if you experience any of the following symptoms -

  • Feeling fullness or heaviness in your abdomen

  • Cysts are painful and recurrent.

  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

  • A problem in emptying the bladder or bowel

  • Severe pelvic pain

  • Nausea, vomiting or constant bloating

  • Unusual vaginal bleeding

What size of ovarian cysts is dangerous?

Before considering any treatment plan for an ovarian cyst, discuss your medical history and medication with the doctor and ask the following questions to understand the treatment procedure and the risks and complications associated with it -

  • How effective is medication for ovarian cyst treatment?

  • Can an ovarian cyst affect my fertility?

  • How do I prepare myself for surgery?

  • What to expect during the surgery?

  • What should I avoid during an ovarian cyst?

  • What if ovarian cysts are left untreated?

  • What size ovarian cysts are dangerous?

  • How effective are home remedies for ovarian cysts?

  • Is ovarian cyst removal safe?

  • How can I cure ovarian cysts fast?

  • What precautions do I need to take after ovarian cyst treatment?

  • Do insurance cover ovarian cyst treatment?

  • What are the different surgical methods for ovarian cyst removal?

  • What is the main cause of ovarian cysts?

What are the risks and complications associated with ovarian cyst treatment?

Treatment of an ovarian cyst can provide relief from the pain and other symptoms like- bloating, bleeding and pelvic pain. However, like any other treatment, it is also linked with several risks and complications.

  • As the ovarian cyst bursts, its composition, like blood, fluid and mucous, spreads to the surrounding tissue and increases the risk of infection into nearby organs like the bladder.

  • In some cases of operative error, ovarian cysts burst and lead to internal bleeding.

  • Even after the treatment, there are higher chances of ovarian cyst recurrence.

  • Surgical treatment sometimes results in scar tissue forming at the surgical site.

  • A bulge and swelling in the abdomen may feel mild in the abdomen.

Diagnosis and Treatment of PCOD/ PCOS

Diagnosis of PCOD/ PCOS

Diagnosis of patients suspected of having PCOS includes a thorough history and physical examination, assessment for the presence of hirsutism, ovarian ultrasonography, and hormonal testing. However, BMI level also needs to be checked, followed by a lab test of insulin, blood sugar, and hormonal level. The diagnosis helps to determine whether PCOS is present or not. Some of the common diagnostic tests are as follows -

Physical exam - During the physical exam, the doctor checks your blood pressure and waist size, they may also check your skin for extra hair growth, acne, and discoloured skin.

Pelvic ultrasound (sonogram) - It is performed to examine the female reproductive areas- vagina, cervix, uterus, and fallopian tube. Doctors check the status of your ovaries and the thickness of the lining of the uterus. The imaging report should specifically include ovarian volumes, follicle counts, and any other relevant information, such as the presence of a dominant follicle or corpus luteum.

Blood test - It helps assess the level of hormones linked to PCOD/PCOS. The blood test can help you understand cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Screening - This test is usually performed to screen the mental health conditions like- depression, anxiety, and obstructive sleep apnea.

However, early diagnosis will help in treating the condition more efficiently. We suggest consulting your gynaecologist as soon as you experience symptoms like- skipped and irregular periods, acne, or hair growth on the back or face, consult the best gynaecologists and get yourself checked.

Treatment of PCOD & PCOS -

The treatment procedure for PCOD/PCOS varies from woman to woman, however, there are some factors that can influence the treatment procedure like- age and severity of the condition.

  • Lifestyle changes - It is very important to practice a healthy lifestyle to avoid various health issues. To treat PCOD-PCOS, your healthcare providers recommend you a low-calorie diet combined with moderate exercise. A slight reduction in your weight might improve your condition. Weight loss help in increasing the effectiveness of medication that is prescribed for PCOS.

  • Medications - Healthcare professionals usually recommend a few medications to improve your menstrual cycle and improve the condition of PCOD-PCOS.

Birth control pills – These pills contain both estrogen and progestin hence they help in decreasing androgen production and regulating estrogen. Regulating your hormones can help in reducing the risk of endometrial cancer and correct irregular bleeding, excess hair growth, and acne.

Progestin therapy – Doctors may administer a single course of progestin before ovulation induction. Progestin leads to thickening in the lining of the uterus. Without continuous progestin administration to maintain the thickening, the uterine lining is sloughed off, and bleeding begins. It is usually performed to simulate the bleeding that occurs at the beginning of the monthly menstrual cycle.

  • Surgical method - In the surgical method, laparoscopic ovarian drilling is performed, in this method doctor target the areas where the ovary is producing male hormones and uses a laser to puncture it out. In the surgical method, there is a higher chance of permanent ovary damage. It is suggested by the doctor when the other treatment options fail to work.

Non-surgical options largely include

Dietary modifications : The first suggestion in PCOD and PCOS is always dietary modifications. Stop junk food. Stop packaged food items. Stop excessive intake of carbohydrates and white bread. Eat healthily, eat fresh, eat local. Especially, eat a lot of fresh green vegetables and home cooked food.

Exercises and weight loss : Continuously work towards your health and get your BMI in control. Stay active and lose weight. Keeping your weight in check can drastically normalize your health and mood. Some of the yoga asana you could practice are: Sitting badrasan, sleeping badrasan, bhujangasana, sarpasana, anulom vilom and kapalbhati. Some asanas that can help you relax during periods are: vishpanda bhav, anitya bhavana and shavasana.

Medicines : Medicinal treatment differs in different cases. It primarily depends on if/ if not you want kids. Women seeking childbirth may be prescribed: Antiandrogens and fertility drugs.

Whereas, women not desiring childbirth may be prescribed :

Hormone Birth control pills/ SOS medicine (meprate 10 mg) and at times, – antiandrogens.

Risks and complications of not treating PCOD on time

If PCOS is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to various other serious health complications like -

  • Hypertension

  • Diabetes

  • Impaired glucose tolerance

  • MI/CAD

  • Endometrial cancer

  • Hypercholesterolemia with low HDL

  • Gestational diabetes

  • Sleep apnea