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What is Rectal Prolapse?

The rectum is located at the end of the large intestine. It is the section of the digestive tract where the stool is held before it passes through the system. A rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum is pushed out along with the stool. The word ‘prolapse’ is used when any organ of the body slips from its original position.

Rectal prolapse is more common in women than in men and generally affects people over 50 years or those who have a history of chronic constipation or diarrhoea.

Rectal Prolapse Treatment – Diagnosis at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad

The complete diagnostic procedure for rectal prolapse includes:

Physical Examination :

In the physical examination, the doctor observes the rectum and may insert a gloved and lubricated finger in the anus to check the strength of the anal sphincter and the rectum. In this exam, the doctor will ask you to describe your symptoms and medical history to understand the condition better.

Anal electromyography (EMG): This test lets doctors measure the effectiveness of muscles and nerves in the rectum. The doctors place electrodes a few inches into the rectum to perform this test. The procedure takes a few minutes.

Colonoscopy: This diagnostic procedure involves the insertion of a thin and flexible tube with a small camera (colonoscope) into the rectum to perform a visual exam of the area.

Anorectal manometry: In this test, doctors use a flexible tube which is the size of a thermometer and has a small deflated balloon attached to its end to measure the rectum’s response to pressure. The device is inserted into the rectum before conducting the test.

Barium enema: In the Barium Enema test, the doctors place a chalky liquid containing barium in the rectum of the patient. The barium becomes visible on the X-rays, producing clear images of the area.

Defecography: In this test, the doctors use x-rays or MRIs to monitor your colon as you have a bowel movement.

Lower GI series: To perform this test, doctors place a chalky liquid containing barium in the large intestine of the patient. This liquid lets doctors get a clear picture of the area on an x-ray.

Transit study: In this test, the doctor asks the patient to swallow one or more capsules which have markers on them. These markers can be seen on the X-ray. After swallowing the capsules, the patient has to appear for x-rays for the next 5 days. It helps doctors assess how the markers pass through the intestines.

Types of Rectal Prolapse Surgery at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad

A rectal prolapse can be corrected through several surgical procedures. The choice of surgical procedure depends upon the specifics of your condition and the surgeon. Surgical team at Lotus Hospital comprises of the best surgeons in Faridabad. Listed below are the most commonly performed surgeries for rectal prolapse:

Rectopexy or Rectal Prolapse Surgery Through The Abdomen : In this surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen and pulls the doctor back into its original place. Then, sutures or mesh slings are used to connect the rectum back to the wall of the pelvis or sacrum.

Laparoscopic rectal prolapse surgery :This is a more advanced surgery for rectal prolapse. The surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen, and uses special surgical tools along with a camera to repair the rectal prolapse.

Perineal Rectosigmoidectomy : This surgery involves rectal prolapse repair through the area around the anus. In this surgery, the surgeon pulls the rectum through the anus and extracts a portion of the rectum and sigmoid. Then, the remaining rectum is attached to the large intestine. This surgery is generally prescribed for candidates who can not get a laparoscopic or open rectal repair.

Delorme Procedure :This method is used in cases of short prolapses. The surgeons remove the lining of the rectum along with the muscular layer to shorten the size of the rectum.

How to Prepare for Rectal Prolapse Surgery at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad?

To prepare for rectal prolapse surgery, your doctor may ask that you :

Clean with a special soap. Before your surgery, you’ll be asked to shower using antiseptic soap to help prevent germs on your skin from causing infection after your surgery.

Stop taking certain medications. You may be asked to stop taking certain medications, depending on your procedure.

Risks & Recovery of Rectal Prolapse Surgery

Recovery After Rectal Prolapse Surgery

After your rectal prolapse surgery, you’ll be asked to spend some time in the recovery room of the hospital to regain your bowel function. The doctor will ask you to drink clear fluids and eventually start eating solid foods. The duration of hospital stay can vary depending upon the type of surgery you’ve had.

Complete recovery after rectal prolapse surgery takes about 4 to 6 weeks. You may be asked to use stool softeners during this period to avoid constipation and excessive straining, as it can cause the rectum to protrude again. Some people might also need therapy to learn how to use their pelvic muscles properly

Why Lotus Hospital for Rectal Prolapse surgery?

Delivering Seamless Surgical Experience in India

Frequently Asked Questions

Rectal prolapse has several causes, including:
  • Prolonged history of constipation and diarrhoea
  • Putting a lot of pressure or straining during bowel movements
  • A history of injury of the anal or hip area
  • Weakened muscles and ligaments in the rectal area due to old age

Hemorrhoids cause discomforting symptoms, they don’t always require medical intervention and often get better on their own. On the contrary, rectal prolapse is chronic and progressive and always requires medical intervention.

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhoea
  • Straining during bowel movement
  • Muscle weakness in the anus
  • An injury in the lower back or a disc disease
  • Having a history of rectal prolapse in the family
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
  • An injury in the ligaments of the rectum, which keep it connected to the internal wall, etc.

  • Do not strain during bowel movement
  • Include more fibre in your diet
  • Drink ample fluids every day
  • Exercise regularly
  • Keep your weight in check
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects or weights as they can damage your bowel muscles.
  • If you’re constipated, see a doctor in time.