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Septoplasty is also known as septal resection or septal reconstruction surgery. The surgery involves reshaping, straightening, and realigning the nasal septum, i.e., the cartilaginous structure dividing the space between the nostrils.

During the surgery, the surgeon cuts and removes parts of the nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position. It is generally performed for patients with a severely deviated nasal septum, as it can reduce and deviate the airflow on either or both sides of the septum, making it harder for the patient to breathe.

What happens during septoplasty treatment?


Diagnosis for septoplasty surgery is performed through a mix of physical examination and imaging tests. During the physical examination, the ENT doctor at Lotus Hospital Faridabad will collect your medical history to find out whether you have any breathing issues. Following this, he will use a speculum to look through your nostrils and check the degree and complexity of the septal deviation.

Once a physical examination is done, the patient may need an X-ray to help the doctor evaluate the patient’s nasal bone structure and confirm the complexity of the deviation. A nasal endoscopy may also be performed. During an endoscopy, the surgeon inserts an endoscope (light with an attached camera) through the nostrils to visualize the internal structures and determine the best course of treatment.

Surgery procedure

Septoplasty is the straightening of the nasal septum by trimming, repositioning, and replacing the bone or cartilage making up the nasal septum.

The surgeon makes a small incision to access the cartilage and bone inside the septum. In case of bony deviation, parts of the bone are cut out, and the space is re-filled using graft tissues.

Once the structures are re-aligned and strengthened, the incision is closed with an absorbable suture, and silicone splints are inserted in both nostrils to help support the septum. The surgeon also inserts bandages into the nose as packing to help control the bleeding.

How to prepare for septoplasty?

To avoid postoperative complications, it is best to prepare diligently for a septoplasty operation. You can prepare for the surgery by following the given tips:

Provide your ENT surgeon with your entire medical history record, including information regarding your dietary and medical allergies, without fail.

If you have any bleeding or clotting disorders for which you are taking blood thinners, then you need to consult both your regular physician and your ENT specialist regarding their dosage in the days leading to the surgery.

Smoking and tobacco usage slow down recovery and increase the risk of complications, so refrain from smoking for at least a week leading to the surgery.

If you are undergoing surgery under general anesthesia, then refrain from eating or drinking anything after midnight on the day before the surgery.

What to expect after a septoplasty?

There is no aesthetic damage after the surgery as the surgery is performed through the nostrils.

Post-surgical swelling may last for about 2-3 days and drainage for 2-5 days. Generally, over-the-counter medications such as NSAIDs (paracetamol, ibuprofen) are enough to manage the pain. If the patient has nasal congestion, they can use saline sprays, irrigation fluids, etc., to clear it. While the patient’s breathing will clear within a couple of weeks as the splint comes off, complete healing will take at least 3 months.

When is a septoplasty required?

Septoplasty is usually required in the following cases :

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea :

    A deviated nasal septum can lead to gasping and choking feeling while sleeping, known as obstructive sleep apnea. This can lead to insomnia, i.e., chronic lack of sleep, restlessness, and overall lack of rest disrupting a person’s life.
  2. Chronic headaches :

    A deviated nasal septum can lead to severe facial pain and migraines due to the constant strain on the muscles surrounding the nose as the patient struggles to breathe.
  3. Chronic/Recurring nasal disorders :

    Postnasal drip and sinus infections are often correlated with a deviated nasal septum. Though they are often confused as allergies, rhinitis and sinusitis are common sequelae of septal deviation that disrupt the patient’s life.
  4. Severe nosebleeds (epistaxis) :

    Though nosebleeds are generally treated as minor issues, severe and frequent nosebleeds, known as epistaxis, caused due to tension headaches and nasal drips, can even be life-threatening in certain cases.

Respiratory issues : The most common and serious health issue related to nasal septum deviation is breathing difficulty due to reduced airflow to the lungs.

What are the benefits of a septoplasty at Lotus Hospital Faridabad?

Improved breathing : Septoplasty improves airflow to the lungs by opening the nasal passages and improves the overall breathing capability of the patient.

Better sleep quality : A crooked septum can lead to poor sleep quality due to obstructive sleep apnea. Septoplasty improves the airflow and the overall quality of sleep by relieving the obstruction.

Fewer sinus infections : Septoplasty helps improve mucus drainage from the sinuses that were previously partially or completely blocked, which prevents further sinus infections.

Improved senses : Septoplasty improves senses for patients with impaired smell or taste senses by allowing better flow of oxygenated air to the body.

Recovery tips after septoplasty

Healing after septoplasty is a slow process as it takes time for the tissues to settle in their new positions, but most patients notice a significant improvement in their breathing within 2-3 weeks of the surgery. Complete healing of the cartilage and nasal tissues after septoplasty can take as long as 3-6 months.

You can improve your recovery by following the given instructions:

  • Keep the surgical site and bandages clean and dry. If you want to clean your face, then use a damp cloth to do so and use a cotton swab while cleaning the discharge around the surgical site.

  • Change your bandages as and when directed by your physician. Do not wet your bandages during the first week of your recovery period.

  • Avoid sports and strenuous activities till your doctor gives you approval for them as they can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of injury to the operated area.

  • Rest as much as possible as it will help your body focus on healing.

  • Do not eat spicy or hot foods as they can lead to swelling and fluid buildup in the nose and sinuses.

  • Do not wear spectacles or sunglasses as they can put pressure on the healing nasal tissues and dislodge them from their new positions.

  • Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids.

  • Elevate your head using pillows while sleeping as this will reduce the swelling and help improve recovery.

Why choose Lotus Hospital for septoplasty Surgery ?

Best septoplasty Surgery Hospital in Faridabad

Frequently Asked Questions

Doctors at Lotus Hospital, Faridabad may recommend a cholecystectomy if you have:

Generally, the cost of deviated nasal septum correction through septoplasty surgery ranges from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 40,000.

Yes septoplasty is covered under insurance at Lotus Hospital Faridabad.

No deviated nasal septum cannot be corrected without surgery.

Yes deviated nasal septum can cause sleep apnea by constricting or blocking the nasal airway passages and obstructing the upper airway.