URSL Surgery

What Is URSL Surgery?

URSL or Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy is a common treatment for kidney stones, which is generally used to remove kidney stones that are small to medium in size (7 to 10 mm). This modern technique is also used for stones that turn immune to conservative methods of treatment such as medicines and other non-surgical solutions. It uses high-precision laser technique to extract kidney stones stuck in the ureter and offers relief from painful and discomforting symptoms while causing minimal complications. Reach out to our team to get all the details on URSL in India.

What Happens During URSL Surgery?


The urologists need to make some assessments before performing URSL. These assessments are made through a couple of diagnostic tests, including Imaging tests (X-ray, Abdominal Ultrasound, MRI), Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test, Blood Test, and Urinalysis. The aim of carrying out these assessments is to figure out the size of the stone, the number of stones that need to be removed, and their location.

These tests also help doctors look for any underlying diseases that can cause complications in the procedure. The urologists will proceed with the procedure only after assessing the results of the tests carefully.


This surgery is performed in the following steps:

  • The patient is administered spinal or general anesthesia, depending upon the requirement.

  • Then, the surgeon inserts a thin, long fiber-optic scope called a ureteroscope into the ureteral passage through the urethra. Simultaneously, the surgeon uses x-ray to see inside the kidneys and ureters and locate the stones exactly.

  • Once the stone is located, it is collected in a stone basket and eventually pulled out of the system.

  • If the stone is too large in size, then the surgeon uses a precision laser to break it into smaller pieces. The small stones can pass through the system naturally.

  • The surgeon usually inserts ureteral stents to help flush out the stones from the body. The stent expands the passage of the ureter, which makes it easier for the stone fragments to travel through the ureter and out of the body.

How to prepare for URSL surgery?

If you’re about to undergo URSL surgery, it is advisable to prepare yourself for the surgery in advance. This includes following some precautions and making some lifestyle changes to promote the effectiveness of the surgery. Here are some ways in which you can prepare for your URSL surgery:

  • Talk to your doctor and discuss your symptoms, medical history, and other important details in advance. You can also ask the doctor to explain the treatment procedure in advance and the risks associated with it.

  • If you’re taking some medication, convey it to your doctor in advance. The doctor might ask you to discontinue some medicines before surgery, such as blood thinners, etc.

  • If you’ve had an allergic reaction to anesthesia in the past, make sure your doctor is aware of this detail. An allergic reaction to anesthesia can delay the surgery, and may also lead to other complications.

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything 6 to 8 hours before the surgery. This measure helps in preventing complications related to anesthesia.

  • Stop smoking or using any product that contains tobacco as it might affect the effectiveness of the surgery.

What Are The Benefits of URSL Surgery?

URSL is a modern technique to treat kidney stones, and offers a respite from the painful condition while causing no discomfort to the patient. This is a minimally-invasive procedure i.e., it does not involve cuts or stitches which allows the patient to remain comfortable throughout..Some of the benefits of ureteroscopic lithotripsy include the following –

  • No cuts and scars

  • No bleeding during the surgery

  • Faster recovery

  • Minimal complications

  • Shorter hospital stay

  • Outpatient procedure

  • Resume daily activities within a week